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Get to Know
Ventura County Professional Women's Network

VCPWN check presentation to Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County

Who we are

The Ventura County Professional Women’s Network (VCPWN) is a lively, diverse group of women (and a few brave men) dedicated to supporting and encouraging others to reach their fullest potential.


Membership in the organization offers all women the chance to network at our monthly meetings; listings in the membership directory to promote business referrals; a quarterly newsletter, special interest groups; plus, much more.


Sue and Becky greeting attendees at the registration table

Our Mission

At VCPWN, we are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive community for
professional women in
Ventura County
We provide opportunities for personal and professional growth through networking, educational events, and social gatherings. .

Join us to be a part of this empowering network

Our Story

VCPWN membership meeting
The Need​

Founded in 1982, Ventura County Professional Women’s

Network (VCPWN), was born out of a clear need.

At that time, women were often excluded from key business organizations like Rotary Clubs, and in local Chambers of Commerce, women were relegated to serving roles at events rather than being recognized as business leaders. Married women still required their husband’s signature to secure a loan, despite women owning 25% of all U.S. businesses. It was a time when professional women needed a network of support, both personally and professionally.


For women in Ventura County, the closest support came from the Women’s Network in Los Angeles. In response, over 100 flyers were distributed across the county to gauge interest in creating a local group. The response was overwhelming—those flyers spread quickly, and more than 100 women gathered for an inaugural dinner in Oxnard.

Our Story
The Creation

VCPWN’s founding members, a steering committee of passionate women, crafted the mission of the organization with a few guiding principles:

  • To support and encourage women to reach their fullest potential.

  • To be inclusive of all women, regardless of income or professional title.

  • To create an organization that was not tied to philanthropic, political, or religious groups.

  • To offer unique opportunities that weren’t available elsewhere.

  • To support each member based on her, or his, individual needs.

In its early days, women joined the network even though there were no polished brochures, formal guidelines, or even a website. They were drawn to the sense of community and mutual support, and within just two years, membership grew to over 300 women.

VCPWN members enjoying conversation
The Legacy

Today, VCPWN stands as a unique organization, committed to the same values it was founded on—growth, networking, and support. The success stories of our members continue to inspire others, providing the confidence and resources to advance their careers, whether it’s climbing the corporate ladder or building a small business with skill and flair.


Bylaws of the Ventura County Professional Women's Network (VCPWN)


For purposes of this document, the pronoun "she" and/or “her” shall be understood to be gender neutral as Article IV allows by membership eligibility in Section 1


Article I: NAME


Section 1: Name: The name of this organization shall be Ventura County Professional Women's Network, herein referred to as VCPWN.




Section 1: Place of Business: the principal place of business shall be located in Ventura County, as determined by the

Board of Directors, (BOD).




Section 1: Purpose: The purpose of the VCPWN shall be empowering Ventura County women in all phases of their lives, through networking, education, mutual support, socializing and sharing of resources.


Section 2: Goals: The goals of VCPWN shall be:

  1. Provide an arena for networking.

  2. Sponsor dinners, workshops, seminars and other events for professional and personal growth.

  3. Assist members in understanding the principles of networking so that VCPWN is mutually beneficial to all.

  4. Develop good public relations between the organization and the community.


Section 3: Political Affiliation: This organization shall be nonprofit and nonpartisan. It shall take no official political stand, nor endorse any candidate for public office.


Section 4: Non-Philanthropic: It is not VCPWN’s purpose to raise money for or to be tied to a named philanthropic organization on a permanent basis. VCPWN may enter into temporary partnerships with any other organization for the purpose of raising money, as selected by the President and approved by the BOD. These partnerships will last no longer than one board year. If the BOD decides on such a partnership, it will be announced at a general meeting of the Membership within two months of the new board year.


Section 5: Distribution of Income: Income generated will be applied towards the General Fund and allocated towards specific programs as approved by the BOD.




Section 1: Eligibility: Any adult person in Ventura County who supports the high professional ideals and the Purpose and Goals of VCPWN shall be eligible for membership.


Section 2: Privileges: Privileges of voting, holding office and serving on committees shall be accorded to members only.


Section 3: Applications: Applications for membership shall be submitted to VCPWN accompanied by dues.

  1. Annual dues for members shall be determined by the BOD.

  2. Annual membership dues shall be due and payable by all members the first day of their anniversary month.




Section 1. General Membership Meetings: Regular meetings of VCPWN shall be held monthly, unless otherwise directed by the BOD. Guests are welcome at general membership meetings. Policy on how many meetings a guest may attend as a non-member may be set by the BOD.


Section 2. Quorum: One fourth (1/4) of the membership shall constitute a quorum.


Section 3. Annual Meetings: The annual business meeting shall be held during the month of May, the anniversary month of the organization. The purpose of this meeting is to present an Annual Report of the BOD and election of new officers.  Presentation of new officers, acknowledgment and recognition of outgoing Board members to be held at the June meeting.




Section 1. Officers: The BOD shall be the governing body of VCPWN, shall direct the disposition of all monies, shall have general charge of its affairs, and shall carry out the principles of VCPWN as set forth in these bylaws.


Section 2. Qualifications and Terms of Office: All members of the BOD, as hereinafter defined, shall be members of VCPWN. The terms of office shall be for a period of one year.


Section 3. Composition of the Board of Directors: The BOD of VCPWN shall be composed of the following voting members:

  1. President

  2. President-Elect

  3. Director of Membership

  4. Director of Finance

  5. Member-at-Large (1-2)

  6. Recording Secretary

  7. Immediate Past President

  8. Director of Hospitality

  9. Director of Communications

  10. Director of Networking

  11. Director of Mentorship

As warranted by membership size, the BOD may name additional directors to the board.


Section 4: Quorum: A simple majority of the members of the BOD shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Section 5: Absences: Any Board member who fails to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the BOD shall be deemed to have submitted her resignation. The BOD may act upon such resignation and declare a vacancy.


Section 6: Vacancies: Vacancies on the BOD shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Board members. A vacancy in the office of President shall automatically be filled by the President-Elect. The newly appointed Board Member shall serve the time remaining in the previous Board Member's term.


Section 7: Meetings: Meetings of the BOD shall be held on a regular basis, at such time and place as may be determined by the BOD. Special meetings of the BOD may be called by the President or at the written request of any two Board members, provided that all Board members are notified one week in advance.


Section 8: Conflict of Interest: The BOD may contract for services or products with members of the BOD provided full disclosure and competitive bidding are observed.


Section 9: Independent Evaluation: Financial records must be evaluated after close of each fiscal year, in a timely manner, by an individual other than a member of the BOD.


Section 10: Contracts: All contracts entered into by VCPWN must have BOD ratification to be binding.




Section 1: President: The President shall be Chairperson of the BOD and shall preside at all general membership meetings of VCPWN. The President, or designate, shall be the official representative of VCPWN at any other Network, organization and/or community function. The President shall be authorized to sign treasury checks and contracts, and shall prepare an annual report of the progress of VCPWN. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and be entitled to vote therein. The President shall be assisted by any committee or sub-committee deemed necessary.


Section 2: President-Elect: In the case of absence or disability of the President, the President-Elect, shall perform the duties of the President and shall be authorized to sign treasury checks. She shall be responsible for all arrangements for programs for regular monthly membership meetings and other duties as prescribed by the BOD. She is the chairperson for the nominating committee. The President-Elect shall be assisted by any committee or sub-committee deemed necessary.


Section 3: Director of Membership: The Director of Membership shall perform all duties relative to membership, including making applications for membership available, working with a Membership Committee and Board members to promote membership, to act promptly on membership applications, keep membership lists up-to-date and make these lists available, and other duties as prescribed by the BOD. The Director of Membership shall be assisted by any committee or sub-committee deemed necessary.


Section 4: Director of Finance: The Director of Finance shall have charge of all funds of VCPWN and is authorized to sign Treasury checks. The Director shall keep accurate records and accounts of financial affairs and transactions of VCPWN, present a written report of its financial condition annually, submit monthly oral reports to the BOD, and at such other times as requested by the BOD or President, and perform other duties prescribed by the BOD. The Director of Finance will be responsible for developing an annual budget based on committee activities and projected revenues for the year. The Director of Finance shall be assisted by any committee or sub-committee deemed necessary.


Section 5: Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all BOD meetings. The Secretary shall distribute the minutes to all Board members within one week following each meeting. She may be assisted by any committee or sub-committee deemed necessary.


Section 6: Member-at-Large: The elected Member-at-Large shall assist individual Board members as deemed necessary to achieve Network goals and objectives. She may be assisted by any committee or sub-committee deemed necessary.


Section 7. Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President shall be responsible for the “Wind”/Warrior” (or the equivalent) award, Chair the Nominating Committee and serve as assistant to the President.


Section 8: Director of Hospitality: The Director of Hospitality shall bring hospitality materials to each general meeting, and shall be available to assist members and guests. As needed, she shall form a committee consisting of Greeters and Table Hostesses for all VCPWN functions. She shall arrange for a member to sell drawing tickets at the general meeting. When implemented, she will conduct a drawing for a free dinner from those who registered early.


Section 9: Director of Communications: The Director of Communications shall send e-blasts to announce meetings and other events. She shall announce each monthly speaker and sponsor, in coordination with the President-Elect. She shall keep an updated address list in the email program in use by VCPWN, adding new members and interested persons. She shall send press releases to all media announcing meetings, and new members (including a short bio and photo whenever possible). She will post about VCPWN activities on all social media in use by the Network. She is encouraged to form a committee to assist with these responsibilities.


Section 10: Director of Networking: (add Spirit of Networking Award) The Director of Networking shall coordinate with the Directors of Membership and Communication to conduct community outreach efforts to attract new members and publicize VCPWN. At each general meeting, she shall conduct the activities of Who Did Business with Whom and Blow Your Own Horn, limiting these activities to members only, and with a time limit to keep the meeting flowing. She is responsible for the Spirit of Network award, the most significant of VCPWN’s awards. She will create a ballot, solicit nominations, and choose a winner. She will purchase an appropriate award and present it to the winner at the General Meeting. She will invite previous winners to attend the meeting and provide a flower for each who attends. She may form a committee when needed.


Section 11: Director of Mentorship: The Director of Mentorship shall work with the Directors of Membership and Networking to create a new member/guest orientation script. She shall develop a Mentoring program and match members who are interested in being mentors and mentees. This role has flexibility to allow for programs that will work as times change.




Section 1. Nominating Committee: A Nominating Committee shall be selected by the BOD in January of each year. The Nominating Committee is chaired by the Immediate Past President and shall include the President, President-Elect, and at least one non-board member.


Section 2. Slate of Officers: The Nominating Committee shall recruit at least one candidate for each voting position on the BOD, with the exception of the President and Immediate Past President. Names of the nominees shall be announced to the membership at least one week prior to the April meeting. Nominations from the floor will be taken at the April meeting.


Section 3. Term of Office: The term of office shall be one year, upon election at the May annual membership meeting, and commencing at the June general meeting.


Section 4. Eligibility for Office: Any member in good standing, holding active membership in VCPWN for at least three months prior to election, shall be eligible for any BOD position other than President.


Section 5. Elections: Elections to the BOD will be by written or oral ballot vote of all members or by absentee ballot at the May annual meeting. The Nominating Committee, headed by the Immediate Past-President, shall conduct and oversee the process.




Section 1. Revision Process: These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the BOD by a simple majority of the voting members present, provided each Board member has been given five-day written notice containing the substance of the proposed amendment. Within six months of the BOD's approval, the bylaw revisions must be presented to and voted upon by a quorum of the membership. Any revisions not approved by the membership will be rescinded.




Section 1. Rules of Order: Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority of the organization in all matters not covered by these bylaws.


Revised November 2021

Approved by Membership January 13, 2022

The Bylaws

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